Treatment at Derma Solution


Botox ® is an approved drug that is based on the protein substance botulinum toxin type A. Botox is injected into the muscles, which are thereby weakened. Botulinum toxin is used for cosmetic treatment in small doses for temporary relaxation of the facial muscles.
Procedure Time:
15 - 30 mins
Back to Work:
After 5 -10 days*
Sensitivity Period:
Duration of results:
3 – 6 months*
Risks and Complications:
Redness, swelling*
Before After

Price GuaranteeOn All Treatment

Derma Solution offers a price guarantee on all of our treatment ranges. If you are able to find a treatment that we offer cheaper anywhere in Copenhagen we will match the price.


Treatment Prices

  • One Area DKK 2,000
  • Two Areas DKK 3,000
  • Three Areas DKK 3,500
  • Medium Areas DKK 1,200
  • Small Areas DKK 750
  • Touch up DKK 750
  • Hyperhidrosis DKK 4,000
  • Nefertitis DKK 3,000
  • Consultation DKK 0,00

Frequently Asked Questions

Before your first BOTOX treatment at Derma Solution, it is a legal requirement to have a non-binding consultation with our Neurologist. In addition, it must be done 48 hours before the treatment begins, so that you have the opportunity to change your mind.

Yes sure. Botox has been FDA-approved since 2002 for the effective treatment of aging lines. Like most cosmetic treatments, side effects can occur. Some clients report minor bruising, while approx. 1-3% experience a ‘hanging eyelid’. However, both parts can be corrected or will disappear with time. To reduce the risk of complications, it is important that anti-wrinkle injections are given by highly qualified practitioners in a safe and medical environment. We have a team of doctors and cosmetics nurses with many years of combined experience.

Wrinkles are inevitable, but they don’t have to be permanent. There are a number of professional skin treatments designed to correct fine lines and wrinkles – and even help prevent them. These include injectable anti-aging treatments such as Botox, dermal fillers, laser skin rejuvenation, micro needling and chemical peels to name a few. There are also treatments designed to reduce skin aging and promote collagen production, such as laser treatment, micro-abrasion and mechanical exfoliation.

Botox injections are mainly used for the face. Forehead wrinkles, wrinkles around the eyes, and the “11 lines” between the eyebrows are the most popular areas. Botox can also prevent excessive sweating.

Botox also works preventively so that wrinkles do not develop. If you start with Botox before the wrinkles become deep, you can prevent the wrinkles from developing. Even if you stop getting Botox, you will have prevented the development of wrinkles during the time you have had the Botox treatments.

At Derma Solution, the treatment is carried out by our specially trained cosmetic nurse with many years of experience who is approved and registered with the Agency for Patient Safety. She continues to further her education by attending congresses and courses around the world to always be one of the leaders in Denmark.

By using small amounts of Botox, Vistabel and Azzelure. It is possible to reduce lines and wrinkles and negative signs of aging. Botox is used to treat wrinkles and lines in the upper face such as the worry wrinkle between the eyebrows, forehead wrinkles and smile lines around the eyes.

Botox is also used for facial contouring (V – shaping) of the face, so that you will look slimmer and thinner. Your cheekbones will also become more prominent, without anything being filled in them. Botox can also be used to reduce increased sweat production in the armpit.

At Derma Solution, we use Botox to treat the following areas:

  1. Worry wrinkle
  2. Forehead wrinkles
  3. Smile wrinkles (crow’s toes)
  4. Eyebrow lift
  5. Nasal wrinkles (Bunny Lines)
  6. Gummy Smile _
  7. Lip lift
  8. Dimpled chin _
  9. Downturned corners of the mouth
  10. Nefertiti lift (Neck wrinkles)
  11. Jaw muscle reduction (V- shape)
  12. Armpit sweat treatment
  13. Microtox treatment

Worry wrinkle

The worry wrinkle is the most requested area to be treated with Botox. The worry wrinkle develops when you furrow your brows together. This could be, for example, if you are angry, worried, exert yourself in front of the computer, or when you squint out in the sun. The worry wrinkle can make you look grumpy and angry, even if you’re not. Botox works by causing the muscles to relax so that the eye area opens up. You look fresher and happier already after the 1st treatment.

Forehead wrinkles

A little forehead wrinkles give character, but a mortar road of deep forehead wrinkles can make us look older than we are and then we feel. Botox works by making the muscles in the forehead relax, so that wrinkles are softened. At Derma Solution, we are in favor of treating the forehead with “baby Botox “. We smooth out the wrinkles, but without you losing your facial expression. For us, it is important that the result is 100% natural.

Smile wrinkles (crow’s toes)

Smile lines can be cute and dressy, but when they turn into the so-called crow’s feet, they can make us look significantly older than we are. When we treat the wrinkles around the eyes, we are very conservative. We retain some of the mimicry. If all wrinkles are removed, you may end up looking too “stiff”. We want to avoid that. By treating crow’s feet, the eye opens up, the brow is lifted and you look significantly fresher.

Eyebrow lift

By placing Botox in the outer part of the eyebrow, we can make the orbicularis muscle relax, so that the brow lifts a few millimeters. In this way, the eye is opened up. It is a moderate lift, so it will always give a 100% natural look. So, you can’t get a surprised or surprised expression when you get a brow lift with Botox.

Nasal wrinkles (Bunny Lines)

Some people tend to wrinkle their nose when they laugh. Over time, distinct lines form along the sides of the nose, which are visible all the time, and not just when you smile. In the event that these wrinkles are very strong, we can apply Botox to soften them. By putting Botox in the Bunny Lines, we can also teach people to laugh “normally”, without the muscles on the nose being activated.

Botox for gummy smile / Gummy Smile

If you tend to show a lot of gum when you smile, a few drops of Botox can help give you a more harmonious smile. Gummy smiles are caused by overactive muscles that pull the upper lip up too high. Since only a little Botox is used, this area is an additional area. The result is seen within 3-10 days and lasts for up to 3 months.

Lip lift

Were you born with almost no upper lip? Or does your upper lip disappear when you smile? Then a lip lift with Botox is something for you. A Botox lip lift works by relaxing the muscle around the lips slightly so that the lip lifts. Botox will also make the lip not disappear completely when you smile. The lip lift is very subtle, and it can be advantageously combined with fillers. It also helps to minimize smoking wrinkles around the mouth. Mimicry is not inhibited, so you will be able to use your mouth as normal.

Dimpled chin (chin wrinkles)

People with an overbite, or who have had an overbite, often form what is called “dimpled “. chin” when they smile or try to close their mouths. This is due to an overcompensation of the metalis muscles, which can give rise to orange peel-like chin wrinkles. Botox can make the chin muscle relax so that the skin on the chin looks smooth and fine.

Downturned corners of the mouth

Downturned corners of your mouth can make you look grumpy, even if you’re not. Botox can cause the depressor muscles in the lower face to relax, so that the corner of the mouth lifts in a subtle way. It is a moderate lift that can never become unnatural or strange to look at.

Nefertiti lift (Neck wrinkles)

Nefertiti lift is named after the Egyptian queen Nefertiti, who was famous for her beautiful, long neck and jawline. A Nefertiti Lift is a non- invasive treatment. Small drops of Botox are injected down the neck muscle and jaw line to lift the neck and make the long strings along the neck less visible. The treatment provides a subtle and decadent neck lift.

Jaw muscle reduction (V- shape)

Are you sad about having wide jaws? Then V – shape is something for you. Men such as Brad Pitt look aesthetically pleasing with wide and masculine jaws. However, it is not always aesthetically pleasing to have wide jaws as a woman. Feminine facial features are an oval or V-shaped face shape. If you, as a woman, have large jaw muscles, Botox can be injected into the masseter muscle, after which the muscle itself will become smaller after approx. 6 weeks. As the muscle becomes smaller, the face becomes slenderer and more oval. The cheekbones also become more marked as the jaw muscle recedes more.

Armpit sweat treatment

Are you tired of constantly having wet patches under your arms because you sweat a lot? Increased sweating can be extremely annoying and socially inhibiting. Botox can be injected into the armpit and stop sweat production for up to 6 months. Botox works by inhibiting the nerve signals to the sweat glands, after which sweat production stops.

MicroTox treatment

MicroTox is a treatment for the entire face, where a cocktail of vitamins, minerals and a bit of Botox is injected into the entire facial skin. Where Botox is injected into the muscles, MicroTox works exclusively in the skin. Here, the effect will be sebum-regulating, so that the pores contract. At the same time, the skin receives a vitamin bomb that gives glow and vitality to the skin.

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